Thursday, June 27, 2013

David - 9 Months Old!

Wait, did I just type that?  NINE months old??  How can this be?  Time is going by way too fast!  But we sure are enjoying these precious moments with our little man!  In a way, it feels like he's always been in our lives, but in another way, it's crazy that he's already nine months old!  This has been a HUGE milestone month for David.  He got 4 new teeth (so he went from having 2 to having 6...all in about 2 weeks!).  He started "talking" :)  He says, "ma-ma-ma" and "ba-ba-ba" (which is definitely, by far, his favorite thing to say! He says it ALL the time... while playing, eating, riding in the car... even as he's dozing off to sleep!).  He has tried out some "big people" food this month, like crackers (which from day one he has downed like a pro!  I guess having 6 teeth helps...a little), grapes and bananas (those fruits are so slimy that he has a hard time picking them up and getting them into his mouth, but he enjoys them just the same!).  He has officially gone down to 2 naps a day, which has caused him to sleep better than ever at night!  He used to go 8 or so hours straight (sometimes more, but every once in a while even less...which was always frustrating).  But now, he pretty consistently sleeps 11-12 hours a night without waking up!  What a joyous accomplishment! :)  For ALL of us!!  One day, after a trip to Walmart, we were in the parking lot putting the grocery bags into the van, when all of the sudden, I noticed David putting his hands together over and over again.  I realized he was clapping!  Kinda!  So I starting cheering and clapping too and he starting smiling really big and kept slapping his hands together!  We did it quite a bit!  Then the next day, he clapped again for the camera!! :)  He loves reading books!  But more enjoyable than even the story or the pictures, is the activity of turning the pages and lifting the flaps!  He always turns the pages with his left hand, but lifts flaps with his right!  Very interesting!  We'll have to wait and see if he takes after Daddy and is left handed, or takes after Mommy and is a righty!

I got to snap a few pictures one day in the Pastor's home where we were staying in Columbia, MO.  A few were taken outside and a few inside in the kitchen.  It was the only room with decent lighting...and I thought the white tile was pretty neat to work with!

So stately...just like his dad :)

 Haha!  This is the kind of face Caleb made a lot in pictures of him as a baby :)

haha :)

"I'm ready to get off of this cold, hard floor now, Mom!"


  1. Aww!!He's such a charmer. =) Can't believe how big he is!
    Miss ya'll!
    Hugs from Alberta, Canada!! =)

  2. He sure is getting cuter every month! Happy July 4th! Lizzie Ebersole
